Dr Anne McDonnell
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Anne McDonnell qualified from Trinity College Dublin BA MB BCH BAO. Her post graduate qualifications include Diploma in Child Health, NUI, Diploma in Obstetrics, NUI, Diploma in Mental Health with distinction, QUB. She gained membership of the Royal College of General Practice, Irish college of General Practice and Royal College of Psychiatrists.
She was appointed as a consultant in General Adult Psychiatry with specialist interest in liaison psychiatry in 2001 and has worked in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust since then. She has a very broad experience of general adult psychiatry working in inpatient and outpatient services. She has an interest in education and training and is a member of School of Psychiatry at NIMDTA. ( Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Association.) She has worked in Malone Medical Chambers providing expert witness reports since 2008.