Dr Stephen Houston
Privacy Policy
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Complaints Procedure
We recognise that sometimes things go wrong or expectations of staff, services or facilities are not met and that patients may wish to complain about the service they have received.
In general, most issues are best dealt with informally and as soon as possible after the event. You are encouraged to discuss concerns with the person concerned in an attempt to resolve them quickly and fairly.
If the matter is not resolved, concerns should be addressed in writing or by email to:
Dr Stephen Houston
Malone Medical Chambers
142 Malone Road
Email: stephen.houston10284@gmail.com
Tel: 07974269427.
Attempts to deal with the complaint informally should be considered initially. If this doesn’t enable resolution, the complaint will be formally investigated. Receipt of a complaint will be confirmed by email or letter within 2 working days. Our aim is to provide a full response as quickly as possible, normally within 20 working days.